Criteria for evaluation of the Comprehensive Project:
1. Mastery
Depth of understanding must be demonstrated. The student who has mastered her topic understands its nature and importance in a global sense. She is able to give an overview of the topic which identifies both the central results and, in general terms, the methods by which they are obtained. Her grasp of the meaning of definitions and theorems is further evidenced by the effective use of examples. Evaluation of the student's mastery of her topic will take into account the level of difficulty of the topic and the background of the student as well as the level of understanding that is demonstrated. Specifically, the degree to which the material is different from that covered in her course work will be considered.
2. Written paper
The written paper is evaluated using the following criteria from the Guidelines for Advanced Writing Proficiency in Mathematics
Knowledge - insight, accuracy, completeness, conciseness
Originality - independence from major source in developing topic
Organization - logical flow with introduction, overview, examples, transitions, and conclusion
Vocabulary - correct use of mathematical terminology and symbols, sufficient use of non-technical language
Mechanics - adherence to manuscript conventions, correct spelling and sentence structure, careful editing and proofreading
3. Oral presentation
The criteria listed above, under knowledge, originality, organization, and vocabulary, also apply here. The presenter must use board space and visual aids effectively and write legible and logical statements. She is expected to be poised and purposeful, work at a suitable pace, and not rely excessively on written notes. She must have a sense of her audience and provide a sufficient introduction including a description of what was done in previous talks.
4. Responses to questions
The responses to questions are expected to be relevant and complete. The difficulty of the question is a factor in determining the completeness of the response. If a student cannot answer a question, her ability to reformulate the question or to work with the questioner towards a solution can be evaluated.
5. Work with the advisor (evaluated only by the advisor)
The most important factor in evaluating the student's work with the advisor is the degree of independence. The independent student works through routine details and organizes the material on her own, working from the advisor's general outline. She meets regularly with her advisor, and is prepared for appointments, with specific questions in mind. She is able to discuss the topic with the advisor and does not need to be led through the material.
For a comprehensive to be awarded honors, the work must be rated good to excellent in all areas and excellent in most.
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Maintained by cpeltier@saintmarys.eduLast update 8/21/98