This is a sample of the form you will complete for each presentation (including your own).
Your initials______
SPEAKER'S NAME__________________________________________
Your comments will be used to help the speaker identify the strengths and weaknesses of her presentation. The speaker will receive a summary of the responses, prepared by the seminar instructor. Please comment on each of the following, with regard to this speaker. PLEASE BE SPECIFIC. GIVE EXAMPLES TO EXPLAIN YOUR COMMENTS WHENEVER POSSIBLE.
1.Flow of the presentation
[The presentation should develop smoothly, with a clear pattern. The audience should be able to follow the ideas presented see the connections among them. The talk should move forward but not race through the material.]
2. Explanations
[Concepts, theorems, definitions, connections, should be explained clearly - without confusing detail but with enough detail for completeness. Explanations must be correct. The connection of the material to other areas and to other topics within this area should be explained.]:
3. Examples
[Examples should be used, as appropriate, to clarify explanations and make them concrete, as well as for indicating possible areas of confusion and showing the connections between ideas. They should not be used in place of explanations or careful statements of results.]
4. Handling of questions
[Questions should be encouraged and used to make the presentation and explanation complete and clear. It will often be necessary to have a question clarified before a complete answer can be given, or to work with the questioner to develop a satisfactory answer.]
5. Use of presentation tools
[Appropriate tools might include blackboard, overhead projector, handouts, computer-projected slides, or combinations of these. Whether projected, written, or handed out, materials must be legible and understandable and serve to aid the understanding of the audience]
6. Manner [The presenter must speak to the audience, and pay attention to their understanding. She should have prepared well enough to be confident in her presentation and have enough time for questions and clarifications. She should be prepared to deal with difficulties and problems]:
7. Further comments on any aspect of the presentation