Since you will often be working with your team in class, it is essential that you attend every meeting of the class to fulfill your role in the team. Test, quizzes, or in-class activities and project or homework deadlines missed because of absence will result in a grade of 0 unless the absence is excused (via Academic Affairs). In any case, you are responsible for material covered in any class meeting and for handing in work on time.
You should expect to be working about 7-10 hours per week outside
of class time on this course. Regular assignments will be given
on a daily basis; you are responsible for remaining current, and
for asking questions when they arise. Written work will be collected
on Thursday, and will be corrected and returned within one week
for your studying. You are encouraged to work and study together,
but each of you is responsible for her own work and understanding.
The list of assignments will be available through the Blackboard
site and from the course web page
I will collect the learning journals (see below) on a rotating
You should read the college's statement and policy on academic honesty printed in the student handbook (you are bound by it even if you don't read it) Any violation will result in a grade of 0 for the work involved and a note placed in the files of the Office of Academic Affairs. A second offense will result in failure in the course and notification to the Office of Academic Affairs.
In this course, no references (notes, friends, etc.) may be used on any graded work (tests and quizzes) unless explicit permission is given. For work done out of class, students are encouraged to work and study together, but each student is responsible for her own work and her own understanding. In particular, you must do your own work after any consulatation. For a more detail on the department policy, see Math Department Honesty Policy
Each student must keep a weekly learning journal. The purpose
is to give you a focus for regular thinking about how you learn
effectively - what works, what doesn't, what parts of the course
organization help or don't help, what are your strengths as a
learner, what areas could use development. Each week you are to
complete a Weekly Assessment including 1. the most useful
of your strengths (as a learner) used that week, 2. your
most important area for improvement in learning, with 3.
a plan of action to address the area for improvement and 4.
the most valuable thing you learned (about learning or about calculus).
In addition, the journal provides a place for answering the Critical
Thinking questions that are included with each in-class activity,
to give you chance to think about the course and the material
in a deeper way, and provides a place for your commentary on the
course and the progress of your learning.
Leave space for instructor feedback with each week's entry. Feel
free to add other related materials, comments and reflections
to your learning journal. If you wish, you may use the outline
page in the "Course Documents" area of the Blackboard
site. I will collect the reflector's learning journal the first
class following the week in which she is the reflector.
There is a focus on working in teams in this course. A good portion of your working time will be spent working with your team. You are expected to attend all sessions scheduled by your team.
There will be a number of in-class learning activities (about
one a week) to be carried out in your learning teams. Each team
member will have a specific role [see below] to play in performing
this activity, and the team will present a report and written
work at the end of the activity. Each activity will also include
several critical thinking questions [going beyond the specific
task of the activity] to be answered by each team member in her
learning journal. At the end of the activity, the team will hand
in a report containing (at least)
1.Table of contents (with heading showing date, team name,
2. Recorders report (including any written work products)
3. Reflector's report * [see below]
4. Team's grade (0.0-5.0) for their teamwork on the activity.(Based
on success in completing the learning task and on functioning
of the team) I will also assign a grade (0.0-5.0 pts) -
if the grade you assign is excessively high, there will be a penalty.
*The reflector's report must include:
1. Role, strength and area for improvement of each participating
team member;
2. Greatest strength of the team as a whole [used in this
work], two areas most in need of improvement[as shown in this