Introduction to MINITAB in the Saint Mary's Microcomputer
X. Inference on the mean of a difference
(Matched pairs data)
The data must be entered in two columns, and the paired values
must be kept side-by-side.
Hypothesis tests and confidence interval calculations are done
with the same commands.
The process:
- 1. Select Calc>Basic Statistics>Paired t
- 2. Select the column containing your first values for the
box "First Sample"
3. Select the column containing your second values for the box
"Second sample"
- 4. Click on the "Options" button [so you
can set confidence level and alternative hypothesis]
- 5. If you want a confidence interval for the mean of the
differences: type in the confidence level in the "Level"
box and make sure the "Alternative" is
set to "not equal"
- 6. If you want to perform a test on the mean difference:
select the alternative hypothesis ("less than" "not
equal" or "greater than") in the "Alternative"
box - for the one-sided alternatives, make sure the alternative
says what you mean (the "First" and "Second"
labels matter)
- 7. If you want to test a null hypothesis of the form "Mu(1)
- Mu(2) = K" (rather than the usual Mu(1) = Mu(2)) enter
K in the "Test Mean" box (usually you will leave
this at 0.0 because "Mu(1) - Mu(2) = 0" is equivalent
to "Mu(1) = Mu(2)" )
- 8. Click "OK" for the "options" window
and "OK" for the "Paired t" window.
Output to the Session window:
- A heading "Paired T-Test and CI: [First column],[Second
- A second text line "Paired T for [First] - [Second]"
- A table with data on the two groups and on the differences:
First a heading line identifying the numbers below
- For each group and for the differences: the value (for the
"subscript" variable) that identifies the group, the
sample size (labeled "N"), the sample mean (labeled
"Mean"), Sample standard deviation (labeled "StDev")
and the (sample) standard error of the mean (StDev/sqrt(N) -
labeled "SE Mean).
A line with the confidence interval:
For a standard confidence interval (or if the test is "not
equal") "C% confidence interval for mean difference:
([Lower limit], [Upper limit])
If you performed a test with alternative "greater than"
or "less than" : "C% lower bound [or upper bound]
for mean difference: [value] " This is the value for which
we can say "We can say, with C% confidence that the mean
difference is no less than [no more than] [value]" - this
is the cutoff for a one-sided confidence interval (all the risk
on one side).
"T-Test of difference = 0 [or K, if you put in a K] (vs
{">" or "<" or "not ="}):
T-value = [number] P-value = [number] DF = [number]" [Degrees
of freedom may not be a whole number - Minitab uses the exact
calculation rather than our rough rule of thumb]
The printout does not give a yes or no answer - you
must determine that, based on the t- or p-value and your decision
criteria.The program will give a confidence interval for Mu(1)
- Mu(2) and will calculate the t- and p- values for the test
with null hypothesis "Mu(1) = Mu(2)"[or Mu(1) - Mu(2)
= K, iof you changed that] and alternative as stated. If you
have mis-stated the alternative hypothesis, the stated p-value
will be wrong; the t-value will be based on the difference "First
- Second" - so make sure that matches the order you want.
Method for version 10.5 [Mac] corresponds to hand calculation:
[Create a new column containing all the differences, then use
one-sample t methods on the new column.]
- 1. Select Calc>Mathematical Expressions.
- 2. Type "D" or "diff" into the "
Variable(New or Modified)" box.
- 3. Put the cursor in the " Expression " box.
- 4. Select the column containing the data from the first sample.
- 5. Type a "-" sign [no quotqtion marks, of course],.
- 6. Select the column containing the data from the second
- 7. Select " OK "
- The program will compute the differences, choose a column
for 'D' and put the differences in there.
- 8. Do your hypothesis test or estimation using this column
labeled D - remember which column is subtracted from which. (SeeVIII-t-tests and estimation of means
Last update 8/21/2000
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