(Current through 4/30)
Text references are to Michael Sullivan III, Fundamentals of Statistics 3d Edition, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ, 2011.
Other exercises are written out or indicated by some descriptive title. Recall that written work is due the day after it is assigned unless otherwise noted.
4/257Due 4/30]
Read: Section 11.4 - Sorting out the methods
Write: p544 #14 - 19
4/25 [Due 4/27]
Read: Section 11.3 - Inference about two proportions
Write: p529#12 - 16 Use the correct (Satterthwaite formula) degrees of freedom (book is misleading about this) - I recommend Minitab for the calculations (Stat>Basic Statistics>2-sample t command - use "options" to set alternative hypothesis, to set xonfidence level for estimation[need "alternative" to be "notequal" when you find confidence interval])
Print, Read, Bring to class Friday: Activity 11 (also available through Blackboard)
4/23 [Due 4/25]
Read: Section 11.2 - Inference about two means--independent samples
Write: p516#5 - 9, 13 - 15, 22 - 23
4/20 [Due 4/23]
Read: Section 11.1 - Inference about two means--dependent samples (This deals with estimation and testing when we have matched pairs data)
Write: p504#11--12, 14--17
4/18 [Due 4/20]
Read: Section 10.6 summarizingtests on one parameter
Write: p498#9 - 12, 15 - 16
Print, Read, Bring to class Wednesday: Activity 10 (also available through Blackboard - there is also a Minitab data file available there)
4/16 [Due 4/18]
Read: Section 10.5 on Tests for a population proportion
Write: p487#6 - 7, 10 - 11, 15 - 16, 22 - 24
4/13 [Due 4/16]
Read: Section 10.3 -hypothesis tests for a population mean (transition to practice, using t, as we did with estimation)
Write: p476#11 - 12, 21 - 24, 31 - 32
4/11 [Due 4/13]
Read: Section 10.2 -hypothesis tests for a population mean (theory - using sigma. Section 10.3 will make the transition to practice, as we did with estimation)
Write: p461#17 - 18, 21 - 22, 25 - 26, 29 - 30, 35 - 36
4/4 [Due 4/11]
Read: Section 10.1 - The language of hypothesis testing [You should also read over section 9.4 summarizing confidence intervals for means and proportions]
Write: p441#8-9, 15, 19 - 20, 25 ,p.450 (chapter review exercises) \#13 - 15
4/2 [Due 4/4]
Read: Section 9.3 on estimation ("confidence intervals") for a population proportion
Write: p.416#43 - 44,p.431 # 8 - 9, 17 - 19, 22 - 24
Print, Read, Bring to class Wednesday: Activity 9 (also available on Blackboard)
3/30 [Due 4/2]
Read: Sections 9.1 - 9.2 on estimation ("confidence intervals") for the mean of a population
Write: p.416#13 - 16, 21 - 22, 41 - 42
3/28 [Due 3/30]
Test 2 No new assignment
3/26 [Due 3/28]
Read: No new reading assignment - begin preparing for Test 2 on Wed. Solutions for Sample Test 2 are available on Blackboard
Write: No new written assignment
3/23 [Due 3/26]
Read: No new reading assignment - begin preparing for Test 2 on Wed. Solutions for Sample Test 2 are available on Blackboard
Write: p.398 #11 - 12, 17 - 18, 20 - 22
3/21 [Due 3/23]
Read: Read section 8.2 on the distribution of sample proportion
Write: p.388 #11-13, 18-19, 21-22, 27-29
Print, Read, Bring to class Friday:Activity 8 (also available on Blackboard)
Note that a topic outline and sample test have been posted for your use in preparing for Test 2 next Wednesday
3/19 [Due 3/21]
Read: Read sections 8.1-8.2 on the distribution of sample mean, distribution of sample proportion
Write: p.368 #5 - 12, 15 - 17, 23 - 25 "exact probability" refers to the actual binomial probability
3/9 [Due 3/19]
Read: Read section 7.5 on the normal approximation to the binomial distribution
Write: p.354 #5--8, 14--15, 17--18, 24--26
3/7 [Due 3/9]
Read: Read Section 7.3 on applications of normal variables
Write: p.346 #6 - 7, 11 - 14, 21 - 24, 34 - 38
Print, Read, Bring to class Friday:Activity 7 (also available on Blackboard)
3/5 [Due 3/7]
Read: Read Section 7.2 on the standard normal random variable (Z)
Write: p.333 #7 - 12, 17 - 18, 22 - 23, 26 - 27, 35 - 36
3/2 [Due 3/5]
Read: Read Section 7.1 on continuous random variables, particularly the uniform and normal families
Write: p.315 #39--42, 48-49
Note: I am posting solutions for these exercises on the day they are returned to you. Ia am also posting a set of solutions for the exercises in today's activity.
2/29 [Due 3/2]
Read: Re-read Section 6.2 on the binomial family of random variables particular attention to tables and to mean and standard deviation
Write: p.300 #31 - 32, p.315 #8 - 12, 17 - 20
Print, Read, Bring to class Friday: Activity 6 ( also available on Blackboard)
2/27 [Due 2/29]
Read: Section 6.2 on the binomial family of random variables
Write: p.300 #8-9, 14 - 17
2/24 [Due 2/27]
Read: Section 6.1 on discrete random variables
Write: p.254 #18-19, p.286 (Review Exercises) \#6-10, 16, 17 - 19 (for 17 assume independence for results of complaints, use complement rules)2/22 [Due 2/24]
Read: Sections 5.3-5.4 - conditional probability and the multiplication rule, adding the idea of independence
Write: p.262 #7 - 10, 14 - 15, 18 - 19, 22 - 23, 37 - 39
Print, Read, Bring to class Friday:Activity 5 also available on Blackboard
2/20 [Due 2/22]
Read: Section 5.4 - conditional probability and the multiplication rule
Write: p.245 #9-11, 13-16, 27-31
2/17 [Due 2/20]
Read: Sections 5.1 & 5.2 - probability rules, the addition rule
Write: p.233 #12-14, 29-30, 37-38, 43-46
2/15 [Due 2/17]
Test 1 - no new assignment (We'll hit Section 5.1 of the text Frdiay)
2/13 [Due 2/15]
Prepare for Test 1 on Wednesday: Solutions for the sample test have been posted on Blackboard
2/10 [Due 2/13]
Read: review chapters 1-4, prepare questions for Monday's class preparing for test Wedensday. You can obtain a topic outline and a sample test (test as used a year ago) through the Blackboard site ("Testing" area). A set of solutions to the sample test will be posted by Monday.
Write: p.212, #3, 7, 9, 10
2/8 [Due 2/10]
Read: Section 4.3 on coefficient of determination
Write: p.204 #9 (*do* use the formula, this one time), 17 - 18, 24 - 27 (calculator with "LinReg" or Minitab using Stat>Regression>Regression. "Response" is y, "Predictor" is x If you want to get fancy, Stat>Regression>Fitted Line Plot will give the regression equation and a scatterplot with the lone drawn in)
Print, Read, Bring to class Friday:Activity 4 also available on Blackboard
2/6 [Due 2/8]
Read: Section 4.2 on leasat-squares regression
Write: p.188 #11-15, 19-20 (use calculator, not formula), 28-29, 38-39
2/3 [Due 2/6]
Read: Section 4.1 on scatter diagrams and correlation
Write: p.161 #10, 15, 22 [remember Minitab] p169 # 10, 15
2/1 [Due 2/3]
Read: Sections 3.4, 3.5 on measures of position, outliers, the five-number summary and boxplots
Write: p.141 #36, 37 p.152 # 4, 7, 8, 15
Print, Read, Bring to class Friday:Activity 3 also available through Blackboard. I strongly recommend using theMinitab data files available through the Blackboard link.
1/30 [Due 2/1]
Read: Section 3.3 on calculation with grouped data and section 3.4 on measures of position
Write: p.90 #29, 33, 39, 40, p.141 # 24 - 26, 32
1/27 [Due 1/30]
Read: Section 3.2 on measures of dispersion (``spread'')
Write: p.125 #14, 16, 18, 23, 36, 38, 40, 41
1/25 [Due 1/27]
Read: Section 3.1 on measures of central tendency.Read also pp88-89 on shape of a distribution (in 2.2)
Write: p.51 # 12 - 13, 16-17, 21-22, p69 #17(a-d), 25(a-d), 26(a - d) p.91 #12-13
Print, Read, Bring to class Friday: Activity 2-- available Thursday. You will likely want to also look at the instructions for descriptive calculations on your calulator that are here and you will need to use (in class) a Minitab data file available through Blackboard
1/23 [Due 1/25]
Read: Reread as necessary section 1.6 on design of experiments. Read 2.1 - 2.2 on organizing a presenting data
Write: p.36 #14, 16, 17, 20, 21p43 #15, 18, 23, 25 [Note: - in class I may have added #43 - if so, remove it from the list]
1/20 [Due 1/23]
Read: Chapter 1 Sections 1.4-1.6 on other sampling ideas [other methods, bias] and design of experiments (1.6)
Write: p.27 7(for b, assume a random selection, or there's not enough information to answer),11, 12
1/18 [Due 1/20]
Read: Chapter 1 Section 1.3 on Sampling
Write: p.11 18-19, 23-24, 32-34, 45-47, 52, 56 p.20 9-13, 17-18
Print, Read, Bring to class Friday: Activity 1 -- also available through the Blackboard site.
The lists of teams (one for each section) are available here (both on one page) and through Blackboard. You should know which team is yours when you come to class Friday.
1/16 [Due 1/18]
Read: Chapter 1 Sections 1.1 - 1.2
Write: No written assignment for Wednesday
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Last update 4/23/2012