(Current through 4/19)
Text references are to Bittinger, Brand, Quintanilla, Calculus for the Life Sciences, Pearson, Boston, 2006.
For the statistics part of the course, (after 2/25) text references are to Peltier, Math 116 Statistics Handbook, Saint Mary's College, February, 2003.
Other exercises are written out or indicated by some descriptive title. Recall that written work is due on Thursday following the day it is assigned
4/19[due 4/25]
Read: Begin review for Test 4 on Thursday
Write: Ch 8: #1 - 6
4/18[due 4/25]
Read: Chapter 8 - Inference on a Population Proportion
Write: Ch 7: #4-9
4/16[due 4/18]
Read: Chapter 7- Tests on a population mean. The handout from class (notes & examples) is available here
Write: Ch 7: #1 - 3
Print, Read, bring to class: Activity 9 (also available on Blackboard)
4/15[due 4/18]
Read: Chapter 7- Tests on a population mean
Write: Ch 6: #4, 5, 7 - 12
4/12[due 4/18]
Read: Chapter 6- estimation of a population mean - p 30 "What about the real case?"
Write: Ch 6: #1-3, 6
4/11[due 4/18]
Read: Chapter 6- estimation of a population mean
Write: Ch 5: #8 - 10
4/10[due 4/18]
Read: Chapter 5 sampling distributions - binomial and mean
Write: Ch 5: #1 - 7
4/9[due 4/9]
T3 - no assignment
4/8[due 4/9]
Review session for T3 - no assignment
4/5[due 4/9]
Read: Chapter 4 - normal
Write: Ch 4: #9 - 15
4/4[due 4/9]
Read: Chapter 4 - Continuous random variables - normal
Write: Ch 4: #5 - 8
4/2[due 4/4]
Read: Chapter 4 - Continuous random variables
Write:Ch 3: #22 - 24, Ch 4, #1-4
3/28 [due 4/4]
Read: Chapter 3 - Discrete random variables - approximation of the binomial by the poisson. and Chapter 4 - continuous randm variables
Write:Ch 3: #14--21 (Use the binomial and poisson tables wherever possible to reduce calculation)
3/26 [due 3/28]
Read: Chapter 3 - Discrete random variables - Poisson
Write:Ch 3: #6 - 12
Print, Read, bring to class: Activity 8 (available Wednesday)
3/25 [due 3/28]
Read: Chapter 3 - Discrete random variables - binomial
Write:Ch 3: #1 - 5
3/22 [due 3/28]
Read: Chapter 3 - Discrete random variables
Write:Ch 2: #11 - 14
3/21 [due 3/28]
Read: Chapter 2 - Tree diagrams and conditional probability [pp 9 - 12]
Write:Ch :, #5, 7-10
3/19 [due 3/21]
Read: Chapter 2 - Probability pp 8-12 (conditional probability and the multiplication rule)
Write:Ch 2: # 1-4, 6
Print, Read, bring to class: Activity 7 (also available on Blackboard)
NOTE: I have posted a sample write-up of part 1 of the project (your sample results will differ)
3/18 [due 3/21]
Read: Chapter 2 - Probability pp7 - 9 (Addition & complement rules) - we'll spend this week on chapter 2
Write: No new written work for Thursday
Assigned: Data analysis projecct part 1 - due 4/9. Copy available here (and through Blackboard)
3/8 [due 3/21]
Read: Chapter 2 - Probability pp7 - 9 (Addition & complement rules) - we'll spend next class week on chapter 2
Write: Ch 1: # 12 - 14
3/7 [due 3/21]
Read: Chapter 1 -regression - pp 5 - 6
Write: Ch 1: # 9 - 11
3/5 [due 3/7]
Read: Chapter 1 - Two-variable data (p.4 - 6) and the handout on Association and correlation (also handed out in class)
Write: Ch 1: # 3-5, finish 6
Print, Read, bring to class: Activity 6 (also available on Blackboard)
3/4 [due 3/7]
Read: Chapter 1 - Numerical description of single variable data (pp3-4)
Write: Ch 1: # 1, 2, 6ab
3/1 [due 3/7]
Read: Statistics Handbook Chapter 0, Chapter 1
Write: Ch 0: # 1 - 3
Test 2 -- No new assignment
2/26 [due 2/28]
No new assignment - Test 2 on 2/28
2/25 [due 2/28]
Read: No new reading - begin reviewing for Test 2 on Thursday (Review sheet available here and on Blackboard solutions here and on Blackboard)
Write: p.590: # 3, 6, 9 but 1. approximate P(1.0), not P(5) for #9 and 2. use (delta x) = .2, rather than .02, on #6
2/22 [due 2/28]
Read: Read 8.5 - Euler's method only
Write: p.581: # 5, 6, 23, 25
2/21 [due 2/28]
Read: Re-read 8.4, noticing the information on constant solutions and on implicit solutions.
Write: p.581: # 1, 2, 3, 19, 20 (to separate---factor out an x on the right-hand side, divide by the factor with the y), 36
NOTE the assignment was originally listed as p.571 - that was an error. Correct page is 581 (separable equations)
2/19 [due 2/21]
Read: Section 8.4 Separable Differential equations
Write: p.571: 3, 4, 7, 11, 15, 16
Print, Read, bring to class: Activity 5 (also available on Blackbooard)
2/18 [due 2/21]
Read: Re-read section 8.3 Autonomous Differential equations
Write: p.571: 1, 2
2/15 [due 2/21]
Read: Sections 8.3 Autonomous Differential equations
Write: p.560: 40 - 43, 47, 51
2/14 [due 2/21]
Read: Sections 8.2 First-Order Linear differential equations - single-compartment models
Write: p.560: #15, 16, 31, 31, 32, (40, 42, 47, 51) - these will be discussed, reassigned, on Friday
2/12 [due 2/14]
Read: Sections 8.2 First-Order Linear differential equations - single-compartment models
Write: p.560: #1, 4, 17, 27, 39, (41, 43) - delete 41, 43 from assignment
Print, Read, bring to class: Activity 4 also available on Blackboard
2/11 [due 2/14]
Read: Sections 8.2 First-Order Linear differential equations
Write: p.560: #8, 10, 11, 25, 26
2/8 [due 2/14]
Read: Sections 8.1-8.2 differential equations: Introduction and First-Order Linear differential equations
Write: p.550: #2, 8, 13, 16, 20, 31, 33, 39, 40, 42, 44
Test 1 - no new assignment
2/5 [due 2/7]
Read: Review for Test 1
Write: No new written assignment
2/4 [due 2/7]
Read: Begin review for Test 1, sections 5.1 - 5.7 in text
Write: p.404, #43, 45, 47 - but use Riemann sum and trapezoid rule (no Simpson's rule)
2/1 [due 2/7]
Read: In your text,re- read section 5.7 - second half, on approximation (trapezoid rule, Simpson's rule)
Write: p.404, #2, 5, 9, 11, 16, 24, 26, 33
1/31 [due 2/7]
Read: In your text, read section 5.7 - use of integral tables, approximation.
Write: p.393, #12,14,25,26,27,39,40,41
1/29 [due 1/31]
Read: In your text, re-read section 5.6 - integration by parts
Write: p.393, #2, 3, 8, 9, 19, 22, 32, 35
Print, Read, bring to class: Activity 3 (also available on Blackboard)
1/28 [due 1/31]
Read: In your text, read section 5.6 - integration by parts (the closest we can get to a poduct rule)
Write: p.385, #10, 11, 19, 21, 28, 30, 34, 37, 44, 54, 59
1/25 [due 1/31]
Read: In your text, re-read section 5.5: look at the examples in detail
Write: p.378, #17, 25, p.385 #1, 6, 7
1/24 [due 1/31]
Read: In your text, read section 5.5: Integration techniques: Substitution (actually this is ``antiderivative'' calculations)
Write: p.369, #71, 74, 83, p.378 \#5, 8, 15, 16, 22, 23
1/22 [due 1/24]
Read: In your text, read section 5.4 - properties of the (definite) integral
Write: p.369, #2, 5, 8, 15, 40, 42, 81, 82
Print, Read, bring to class: Activity 2 (also available on Blackboard)
1/21 [due 1/24]
Read: In your text, read section 5.3 - the fundamental theorem of calculus
Write: p.359, #17, 18, 29, 22, 25, 27
1/18 [due 1/24]
Read: In your text, read section 5.2 again - there are further ideas in there
Write: p.359, #1, 11, 12, 19
1/17 [due 1/24]
Read: In your text, read section 5.2
Write: p.345, #3, 8, 15, 17, 23, 39, 44, 47, 62
Read: The description of the team roles and criteria,(also available in MSWord format)
Write: No new written assignment. Continue work on review exercises
Print, Read, bring to class: Activity 1(also available through Blackboard)
The list of teams is available here (and through Blackboard)
Work through the review exercises - finish by 1/22 (Tuesday) - these will not be collected, but you need to remember all this material right away.
Last update 1/9/13
Maintained by cpeltier@saintmarys.edu