The handout (includes abstract and outline of talk) (.doc format)
The Power-Point slides (.ppt format)
The criteria for team roles (.pdf format)
The description (for students ) from the Math 104 syllabus
Examples of activities from various courses (most in .pdf format)
Finite Mathematics (Math104) Activity 2 Fall 2009
Introduction to Statistics (Math 114) Activity 4 Spring 2009
Mathematical Programming (Math 438) Activity 13 Fall 2008 (this course runs with an activity each class, rather than one per week)
Principles of Operations Research (Math 251/Buad 427) Activity 3 Fall 2009
Geometry (Math 361) Activity 3 Fall 2009 (An example of a too-long activity)
Index of all activities for Calculus for Life Sciences (Math 115 - 116) Fall 2005- Spring 2006 (topic changes to statistics at mid-term Spring. I was still using the Journals at this time) (These are .doc format)
maintained by Charlie Peltier
created 9/28/2009