Saint Mary's College
Student-Athlete Advisory Committee Constitution
- Mission
- "The mission of the NCAA Student-Athlete Advisory Committee (SAAC)
is to enhance the total student-athlete experience by promoting opportunity,
student-athlete welfare, and fostering a positive student-athlete image."
(Adopted from the mission statement of the National SAAC)
- Philosophy
- The Saint Mary's SAAC will maintain a philosophy similar to that of
Division-III. SAAC will place high priority on the overall quality of
the educational experience and on the successful completion of all students'
academic programs. We will seek to establish and maintain an environment
in which a student-athlete's athletic activities are conducted as an
integral part of the student-athlete's educational experience. We also
will seek to establish and maintain an environment that values cultural
diversity among our student-athletes and athletic staff. (Adopted
from Division-III philosophy)
- Name
- The name of this student organization shall be known as the Student-Athlete
Advisory Committee.
- Purpose
- The purpose shall be to assist communication between student-athletes
and administration and to help members further develop leadership skills,
while promoting the opportunity for the exchange of ideas among student-athletes
of different sports. Student-athletes should also strive to be "role
models" for the Saint Mary's community and the larger community as well.
This committee will also be assembled to provide insight on the student-athlete
experience and to offer input on the rules, regulations and policies
that affect student-athlete's lives.
- Selection Process
- Each athletic team will be responsible for selecting two SAAC representatives.
These representatives shall be selected and their names should be submitted
to the President of the SAAC by the first meeting in April. If special
circumstances arise a third or additional member may be chosen at that
time. All SAAC members will hold this position for one school year.
- No first-year student or first-year athlete will be allowed to serve
as a SAAC member.
- The President, Vice-President, Secretary/Treasurer and MIAA representatives
will not be considered as team representatives.
- Teams on SAAC
- Varsity Sports Teams will be allowed membership into SAAC. A varsity
sport is a sport that has been accorded that status by the institution's
chief executive officer or committee responsible for the intercollegiate
athletics policy. One vote will be given to each varsity sport team.
At present (
May 12, 2005
) these teams include: basketball, cross country, golf,
soccer, softball, swimming & diving, tennis, and volleyball.
Any additional varsity sport that is created will not be allowed
voting member status until they have been established for one full year.
A new team may petition SAAC for early membership representation; however,
they will not become a voting member until that full "establishment"
year has been fulfilled.
- Attendance
- Attendance at all meetings and organizational evens is required. Each
member will only be given one unexcused absence. SAAC members that have
a schedule conflict to the meeting or event should submit a written excuse
to the Secretary/Treasurer at least twenty-four (24) hours before the
meeting or event takes place. Prior to the meeting or event the SAAC
member shall contact the President or Vice-President to discuss the agenda.
In the event of an emergency the President may grant an exemption to
this rule.
- Requirements for Membership
- The officers and members of this organization must meet the following
- Have at least a 2.50 GPA at the time of their selection and it
should be maintained through the duration of their term
- Enrolled in a minimum of twelve credit hours
- Be in good standing with the college
- All are subject to removal from this organization by the Executive
Committee or SAAC advisor, should the SAAC member fail to maintain
the requirements described above
- Executive Committee
- The Executive Committee shall consist of the President, Vice-President,
Secretary/Treasurer, and SAAC advisor
- It is their responsibility to establish committees at the beginning
of the year that coincide with the objectives and goals the Executive
Committee deems appropriate
- No single varsity team will occupy all positions of the Executive Committee
- They will meet at the beginning of the week leading up to the general
SAAC meeting. It is preferable that the Executive Committee meet at least
72 hours before a general SAAC meeting is held, however that scheduling
is the responsibility of the Executive members
- President
- The President must be an entering senior and will have been the vice-president
the school year before (their junior year). In the event that the President
cannot fulfill their obligations, she must submit a letter of resignation.
At that time the Vice-President would take over the remainder of the
year. The election for the Vice-Presidency position would occur two weeks
after the Vice-President has taken office. The Vice-President then would
be allowed to hold the Presidential office for two years (the interim
year, and her actual year)
- Will preside over all regular SAAC meetings and Executive Committee
meetings, as well as communicate with the SAAC advisor
- The President's main concern is to ensure that all matters that pertain
to the purpose, philosophy and mission of the SAAC are being addressed
and resolved
- She should communicate and work with the MIAA Representatives and the
Board of Governance Representative to ensure that athletic needs are
being addressed to the broader constituencies
- It is the President's job to represent the SAAC at all events and meetings
on campus
- The President will not vote at SAAC meetings unless there is a tie
- The President also reserves the right to ask the advisors to not attend
SAAC meetings provided that a legitimate and reasonable rationale is
- Vice-President
- The Vice-Presicent shall be voted into office on the first meeting
in April. She should be entering her junior year. All nominations for
the position should be submitted to the President by the last meeting
in March. Each member of the SAAC will vote in the Vice-Presidential
election, with the exception of the current President and Vice-President.
A two-thirds majority vote must be given to one woman. In the event that
a two-thirds majority is not reaches a new election will take place with
the two women who received the most votes. The woman that receives 50%
+ 1 votes will be the new Vice President
- The Vice-President will preside over regular SAAC and Executive Committee
meetings in the absence of the President
- She will monitor all committee activities
- It is the Vice-President's responsibility to monitor all committee
- She should answer questions, provide guidance, and ensure that the
goals of each committee are being met
- It will be the Vice-President's job to keep the Executive Committee
informed on all committee activities
- Secretary/Treasurer:
- The Secretary/ Treasurer will be announced to SAAC by the first meeting
in April. All interested applicants must give written intent to the President
by the last meeting in March. A joint decision between the President
and Vice-President will be made to determine the secretary/treasurer
- The Secretary/ Treasurer will be responsible for all SAAC regular meeting
minutes, creating the agendas, tracking and taking attendance, creating
and maintaining all SAAC bulletin boards, and recording and documenting
all individual team and all athletic community service projects
- She will also be responsible for disseminating all information and
communications to all SAAC members
- It is the secretary's responsibility to send SAAC minutes, after adoption,
to all coaches, faculty advisors, and other athletic staff
- The overall main objective of the Secretary/ Treasurer should be
to keep SAAC as organized as possible and make sure that all minutes,
agendas, projects, committees, etc. are properly documented and kept
for future use
- The Secretary/ Treasurer will also be responsible for preparing and
maintaining an accurate record of all funds and disbursal of funds as
directed by the President and Executive Committee
- Secretary/ Treasurer will be in charge of organizing and coordinating
fund-raising activities within SAAC
- These documents and records should be available for public display
upon request
- SAAC Advisor:
- The Student Athlete Advisory Committee advisor shall be the Director
of Athletics. In the event that the Director of Athletics cannot attend
a meeting, it will be the responsibility of the Assistant Athletic director
to attend
- SAAC Representative:
- Is expected to attend every SAAC meeting
- Will be a voting member of the SAAC
- In the event of a team vote, a
SAAC representative is required to vote in a manner that reflects
the opinion of her team
- In the event of an individual vote, the
SAAC representative should strive to vote in a manner that is consistent
with their personal beliefs as well as sthe SAAC philosophy and mission
- Must serve as a membor or chair of at least one committee
- Is responsible for the organization and completion of one individual
team service project
- Needs to attend all required SAAC functions, which include all community
service projects sponsored by SAAC. If one is unable to attend a required
event, it is up to the discretion of the President to determine whether
the reason is excusable
- In the event that a SAAC representative cannot attend a meeting, she
is required to find another team member to fill her spot for that meeting
unless the entire team is away at an athletic competition. This temporary
member will be allowed to vote for the absent SAAC member as long as
the absence is an excused one
- She is expected to report back to her team in an appropriate time span
(within a week of the SAAC meeting)
- MIAA Representatives:
- Applications for the position will be made available the first week
in March. The applications will be due the last week in March. It will
be the responsibility of the Executive Committee to fill the positions.
Once the Executive Committee has made their selection they will ask the
members of the SAAC for any objections. If a SAAC voting member poses
no objection and a two-thirds majority is received, the the positions
will be filled. However, in the event that a member objects to an applicant
and another voting member seconds that motion, the Executive Committee
will be expected to meet and submit another name for the position
- MIAA Representative will be expected to attend all SAAC meetings as
well as all MIAA SAAC meetings
- They will give reports to SAAC after all conference meetings
- The MIAA Representatives should represent all the interests of the
entire athletic community
- MIAA Representatives are seen as voting SAAC members and will be held
to the same requirements and standards as all other SAAC members
- Meetings:
- All general SAAC meetings will be held every other week with a total
of at least two meetings per month, with an exception for the month of
- All general meetings will be held on Fridays at noon
- The Executive Committee will establish the dates and places for all
meetings one semester in advance
- The Executive Committee reserves the right to schedule additional meetings
as long as a quorum of the membership can attend the meeting
- Proposed agenda items must be submitted to the secretary/treasurer
72 hours befoe the general SAAC meeting
- The Rules of Order for all SAAC meetings are as follows:
- Meeting is called to order by the President
- Team Updates/Reports
- Minutes are adopted (available at the next meeting)
- Officers present report
- Committee Chairpersons report on respective committee business
- Special committees present reports (only if necessary)
- Unfinished business is discussed
- New business is presented and discussed
- Adjournment
- Quorum: A quorum shall consist of fity percent plus one (50% + 1) of the
membership and must be present to conduct official business
- Voting:
- The Executive Committee will determine what issues can be brought to
the representatives for voting. The Executive Committee will also decide
if voting will be done by team or individual vote. Though team and individual
vote are described below, when each is called upon is at the discretion
of the Executive Committee. Only a voting member may vote. Representatives
who are not present at a SAAC general meeting at which a vote occurs
are required to have a teammate present to cast thier vote; in the event
that a SAAC representative does not find a replacement, their vote is
- Team vote: A team vote will occur when a decision needs to be made
specifically regarding our athletes and/or athletic teams
- Individual vote: Each SAAC member is a voting member, with the exception
of the Board of Governance athletic commissioner and the President who
votes only in the event of a tie. Individual voting will occur when a
decision regarding SAAC rules and policies needs to be made. However,
individual voting is not restricted only to this definition, rather it
is at the descretion of the President
- Service:
- Volunteering is a primary goal and responsibility of the SAAC and each
individual team. We have already established and will continue to sponsor
a Halloween Party for the Logan Center, a Holiday Party for all South
Bend children, and a Valentines Day Party for the children and families
of the Memorial Oncology Department
- An additional service project will be sponsored by SAAC and will be
participated in by all teams. This additional project is up to the SAAC
to determine, and it should be determined with a quorum present and a
two-thirds majority vote. In voting for a new service project a team
vote is necessary
- Each individual team is required to complete one additional service
project. This team project is up to the discretion and facilitation of
its SAAC representatives. Once the service project is completed the representatives
should report back to the secretary for proper bookkeeping. In the event
that a team fails to complete their required service project a fine may
be imposed of a maximum of $50. The money will be taken from the respective
teams' Belles Varsity Club restricted team account. It is the responsibility
of the Executive Committee to determine what the proper repercussions
will be
- Finances:
- All money belonging to this organization shall be deposited and disbursed
through a SAAC line with the Belles Varsity Club account. All funds must
be given to the athletic administration within 24 ours after collection
- The Secretary/Treasurer will be responsible for the distribution of
all necessary money transfers and will oversee reimbursements and allotments
- The Executive Committee will establish and announce the SAAC budget
by the last meeting of the school year
- In the event that the SAAC requires more funds than allotted they will
either have to petition the proper resources or fundraise
- Removal Procedures:
- Any member or officer that has more than one (1) unexcused absence
will be asked by the Executive Committee to relinquish their position.
At the time, if the team chooses to elect a new representative, that
person may become a member of the SAAC
- An individual member of SAAC or the committee as a whole reserves the
right to dismiss any SAAC member that does not uphold our mission and
philosophy. A petition of intent shall be submitted to the Executive
Committee and a vote of dismissal shall be put to the entire SAAC voting
body. In this instance each individual member will be given a vote. A
two-thirds majority is needed to dismiss a member
- Amendments:
- Any voting representative can present amendments to the constitution
in writing to the Executive Committee
- Amendments will be introduced and discussed at the conclusion of any
general meeting and voting on such amendment will occur at the following
- ALL amendment voting will be processed using and individual vote
- Amendments will be adopted if they are supported by two-thirds of the
voting members and will take effect immediately upon adoption
Updated on
May 12, 2005