Saint Mary's Swimming &Diving

Information Form

Name Email

Address City State Zipcode

Parent's (or Guardian's) Name Phone

High School Yr. Grad.

High School Coach's Name Phone

Sat Score: Verbal Math ACT Score HS GPA

Position Years Played Height Weight


Event: Time (indicate Y, or SCM/LCM)

Event: Time (indicate Y, or SCM/LCM)

Event: Time (indicate Y, or SCM/LCM)

Event: Time (indicate Y, or SCM/LCM)

Event: Time (indicate Y, or SCM/LCM)

Event: Time (indicate Y, or SCM/LCM)

Would you like to visit the campus?

Area of academic interest:

Have you applied to the Admissions Office?

Will you be applying for Financial Aid?

Team Honors/Individual Honors/HS Honors

Comments/Questions/Other Information:

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