MATH 361: Geometry

Course Home Page


Course objectives:

This course is intended primarily for mathematics majors who are pursuing the teaching option or who have an interest in plane geometry. It will provide a more advanced look Euclidean and non-Euclidean geometry, including development of a full axiom system for Euclidean geometry, an introduction to transformations, use of the Geometer's Sketchpad program for geometric exploration and construction (and teaching), and introductions to taxicab geometry and hyperbolic geometry. Besides the explicit content (theorems, specific results) we will focus on developing experience and intuition for geometry and skill in developing and writing proofs.

Significant non-mathematical contents of the course include explicit awareness of learning and problem-solving skills, the development of independent learning skills, and working in project groups. By the end of the course, you should be able to learn faster than you do now. You will be conscious of and able to assess your level of earning skills . We will use cooperative group learning, discovery learning, applied critical thinking, problem solving, and self assessment regularly.


This page will be occasionally updated to provide access to documents for the course, but most access will be through the Blackboard site (Students enrolled in class log in with own ID & password - others may login as "guest" with password "guest" but will not have access to all feaures)


For dates, course requirements, etc. see the current/most recent syllabus(Fall 2013)

Here is the current list of assignments.

Other pages with resources for the course:

Math Department Honesty Policy

Guidelines for advanced writing proficiency in mathematics

Some general guidelines for writing a mathematical paper

Formatting tools for TeX

  1. A document describing the use of Tex showing formats for mathematical styles, etc. Read this one first.
  2. The TeX source document used to produce with codes you can copy to produce the results shown there.[Save it to disk, open with TeXShop (Mac) or MikTeX(Windows)]
  3. A basic "starting" document to use in typing your own documents [save it to disk, open with TeXShop (Mac) or MikTeX (Windows)]

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Last update 8/23/13

Mathematics Department Home Page

Charles Peltier's Home Page