VjCD0100€ChemDraw 9.0 Entry.cdxffB 3³rÌ  €Ì  µ? :;<   ` ð ³xx# $$$$2ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ)'Times' HelveticaÑ'ArialxHHÞ@ÿîÿîRg(üHHØ(dÿh €tÐ$$€qS ffB3SLfæ Ì¬Ç &ChemDraw canÕt interpret this label.  !0EYeàIR and NMR Spectroscopy Problems J. Philip Bays Saint Mary's College Notre Dame, IN 46556€rî ™Yâ 3³rÌ  &ChemDraw canÕt interpret this label. A½ú>Â÷Ñ@This set of problems involves integrating your knowledge of both Infrared and NMR spectroscopy to ascertain the structure of a compound. You may display both the NMR and IR spectrum using the appropriate buttons below. When you think you know what functional group is present, select that group with the appropriate radio button and a list of possible compounds will appear in the column at the left. Select your answer and look in the row at the bottom of the screen to determine if you are correct.