ResNet @ SMC

ResNet FAQ

What is ResNet?

Contact ResNet

ResNet Problem Report Form

Student's Guide for Bringing a Computer to Saint Mary's College


Mac OS X Connection Information

Windows Connection Information

BelleAire Connection Information

List of ResNet Clusters and Computers

Computer Specifications for ResNet

E-mail @ SMC

Virus Protection

Acceptable Use Policy

Apply for a Job

Obtain your Saint Mary's Network Account

Manage your Saint Mary's Network Account

Change Your Password

Check Your Network Drive Quota

The Campus iStore

Computer Clusters

Clusters FAQ

Information Technology

Saint Mary's College

ResNet Clusters

    The Apple computers in the clusters are running macOS version 12 (Monterey). They also have Microsoft Office 2021 installed.

    The HP and Lenovo computers in the clusters are running Windows 10 Enterprise Edition. They also have Microsoft Office 2021 installed.

    Location Equipment
    Holy Cross/
    Annunciata ResNet Cluster
    (Lower Level Holy Cross Hall)
    1 Apple iMac
    1 HP desktop
    Le Mans ResNet Cluster
    (20 Le Mans Hall)
    6 Apple iMacs
    8 HP desktops
    McCandless ResNet Cluster
    (101 McCandless)
    1 Apple iMac
    1 HP desktop
    Regina North ResNet Cluster
    (322 Regina North)
    1 Apple iMac
    1 HP desktop
    Regina South ResNet Cluster
    (372 Regina South)
    1 Apple iMac
    1 HP desktop

    Students can visit the Trumper Computer Cluster in the lower level of Cushwa-Leighton Library for access to macOS and Windows computers (available 24/7 during the academic year).

    Last Modified August 14, 2022