The topical content of this course is statistics - "the science of collecting, organizing, and interpreting numerical facts, which we call data " [Moore & McCabe p.xxv]. It is intended to prepare you to use statistical thinking to understand the world around you, to understand and judge statistical arguments that arise every day and in specialized areas, and to prepare for further study of statistics in your chosen field, if this is appropriate. You will be making extensive use of the Minitab statistics package available in the computer lab for calculations, and will be expected to use a calculator with basic statistical calculations built-in for work in class.
Significant non-mathematical contents of the course include explicit awareness of learning and problem-solving skills, the development of independent learning skills, and working in project groups. By the end of the course, you should be able to learn faster than you do now. You will be conscious of and able to assess your level of earning skills . We will use cooperative group learning, discovery learning, applied critical thinking, problem solving, and self assessment regularly.
Supplements on calculating:
Minitab manual: Help in using Minitab - the computer statistics package for this course
Calculators: Information on using popular caluclators for statistical calculations
This page will be occasionally updated to provide access to documents for the course, but most access will be through the Blackboard site (Students enrolled in class login with own ID & password - others may login as "guest" with password "guest" but will not have access to all feaures)
For dates, course requirements, for the current/most recent semester semester (currently Spring 2012) see the Most recent Syllabus
Here is a Current list of assignments
Other pages with resources for the course:
Math Department Honesty Policy
Minitab manual: Describes use of the statistical package for this course [Minitab]
Calculators: Describes use of popular calculators for statistical calculations
For a description of the team roles and the performance critera, go here
Maintained by
Last update 1/27/2012