Electronic Communications (3) This introduction to data communications examines the fundamentals of network architecture including layers, protocols, client/server model, file transfers, and other low-level communications issues. Students will experience hands-on internet related programming including web page development using HTML, CSS, interactive pages with JavaScript, CGI programming, and distributed execution using Java. Prerequisite: CPSC 207
CPSC 315
Simulation: Theory and Applications (3)
Theory of computer simulation, including applications of continuous and discrete models of industrial and management systems. Topics include probability distributions, random number generation, queuing, and design of simulation experiments. Includes significant use of simulation software. Prerequisites: Math 114 (or 345) and CPSC 207.
CPSC 417
Systems Analysis and Design (4)
This course includes a study of systems, particularly those which lend themselves to computer representation, a study of systems analysis and design and the completion of a major systems project done in a team environment. The project will involve the analysis of an actual system problem, the writing of a system proposal to solve the problem, the presentation of the proposal to the users of the system and the design and construction of a prototype to implement the proposal. Prerequisite: CPSC 207
CPSC 429
Database Systems (3)
This course will study the concept of a databse, basic data concepts and data organization, the relational data model, object-oriented databses and database design and implementation. Students will complete a semester-long project done in a team environment. Prerequisite: CPSC 207
MATH 104
Finite Mathematics (3)
Set theory, counting techniques, probability, random variables, expected value, variance, standard deviation, and linear programming.
MATH 114
Introduction to Statistics (3)
Introduction to basic sampling and experimental design. Basics of probability, random variables and probability distributions. Sampling distributions. Estimation and hypothesis testing for means and proportions. Statistical software will be used. Prerequisite: MATH 104 or 105 or equivalent.
MATH 353
Modern Algebra I (3)
Basic algebraic systems: groups, rings, and fields. Homomorphisms and factor groups, rrings. Polynomial rings and field extensions. Applications, including symmetry groups and algebraic coding theory. Prerequisites: MATH 225 and 326.
MATH 354
Modern Algebra II (3)
Basic algebraic systems: groups, rings, and fields. Homomorphisms and factor groups, rrings. Polynomial rings and field extensions. Applications, including symmetry groups and algebraic coding theory. Prerequisites: MATH 225 and 326.
MATH 495
Pro-Seminar I (2)
Student presentation of selected topics. Prerequisite: Consent of the department chair.
MATH 496
Pro-Seminar II (2)
Student presentation of selected topics. Prerequisite: Consent of the department chair.
"Algorithms for Interval Structures with Applications", with D.Z. Chen, to appear in Theoretical Computer Science.
"Computing Toolpaths for 5-Axis Machines", with D.Z. Chen, to appear in Theoretical Computer Science.
"Flattening Topologically Spherical Surface", with D.Z. Chen, Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 23(3):309-321, 2012.
"Free-Form Surface Partition in 3-D", with D.Z. Chen, International Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications, 21(6):609-634, 2011.
"Shape Rectangularization Problems in Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy", with N. Bansal, D.Z. Chen, D. Coppersmith, X.S. Hu, S. Luan, B. Schieber, C.Wang, Algorithmica, 60(2):421-450, 2011.
"Finding Many Optimal Paths without Growing Any Optimal Path Trees", with D.Z. Chen, International Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications, 20(4):449-469, 2010.
"Two Flow Network Simplification Algorithms", with D.Z. Chen, Information Processing Letters, 97(5):197-202, 2006.
Conference Proceedings Publications
"Algorithms for Interval Structures with Applications", with D.Z. Chen, Proceedings of the 5th International Frontiers of Algorithmics Workshop, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 6681:196-207, 2011.
"Computing Feasible Toolpaths For 5-Axis Machines", with D.Z. Chen, Proceedings of the 4th Annual International Conference on Combinatorial Optimization and Applications, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 6508:270-284, 2010.
"Free-form Surface Partition in 3D", with D.Z. Chen, Proceedings of the 19th International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation, 5369:520-531, 2008.
"Stabbing Convex Polygons with a Segment or a Polygon", with P.K. Agarwal, D.Z. Chen, S.K. Ganjugunte, M. Sharir, and K. Tang, Proceedings of the 16th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms, 5193:52-63, 2008
"Optimal Surface Flattening", with D.Z. Chen, Proceedings of the 2nd International Frontiers of Algorithmics Workshop, 5059:233-244, 2008.
"Finding Many Optimal Paths without Growing Any Optimal Path Trees", with D.Z. Chen, Proceedings of the 13th Annual International Computing and Combinatorics Conference, 4598:232-242, 2007.
"Shape Rectangularization Problems in Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy", with D.Z. Chen, X.S. Hu, S. Luan and Ch. Wang. Proceedings of the 17th International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation, 4288:701-711, 2006.
"Efficient Algorithms for Simplifying Flow Networks", with D.Z. Chen, Proceedings of the 11th Annual International Computing and Combinatorics Conference, 3595:737-746, 2005.