Saint Mary's College

Society of Women Engineers

Upcoming Events

November 4, 2016: How to Choose Your Major Panel

Join us for this panel where several junior/senior STEM panelists will discuss their experience, provide adivce, and answer audience questions. This event provides a great serivce to the first and second year students, and all are encourages to come!

October 14, 2016: Science Hall Dedication Ceremony

Please join President Janice Cervelli and the Saint Mary's College community for the dedication of the newly renovated and expanded Science Hall, which was made possible by a gift from Clayton and Mary Ann Mathile and their daughter, Jennifer Mathile Prikkel '95.

September 23-24, 2016: Celebration of 10 Year Anniversary of Articulation Agreement

Spring 2016 makes the ten year anniversary of the articulation agreement between Saint Mary's College and the University of Notre Dame. Please join us to celebrate! You can find the itinerary here.

March 20, 2016: SWE Celebration Social

3:30 pm, 105 Science Hall

You all are awesome people and we need to celebrate. Please join us for snacks to celebrate Sophomore Major Declarations and Senior Transfer Acceptances!

March 16, 2016: SWE Meeting

7:00 pm, 105 Science Hall

This meeting will discuss advising information and elections will take place!

March 7, 2016: Co-Exchange

8:00 am

For anybody who is taking a class at Notre Dame next semester (that means you) , please fill out your Coexchange ASAP! If you don't fill this out in time, then you will have to register late for ND classes. There is nothing that anyone, including Dr. Barstis, can do to help you if you don't do it. So please do it NOW, for her sake and yours!

February 3, 2016: SWE Meeting

7:00 pm, 105 Science Hall

This is our first SWE meeting of 2016! Come and find out more information as to what is going on this semester! Nerdy lemonade may be provided. :)

January 29, 2016: Physics Information Session

3:30 pm, B17 Science Hall

Come and get any questions answered about the new physics major that has just been approved! The Physics Major, Physics and Applied Mathematics (PAM) Major, the Physics Minor, and coordination with the engineering program will be discussed. Juniors and seniors are strongly encouraged to attend for their input on which physics and engineering combinations would work well. Refreshments will be provided at 3:00.

October 30, 2015: How to Choose a Major Panel Presentation and meeting Mike Ryan, new Advising Dean of Engineering

3:30 pm, 105 Science Hall

Several junior/senior STEM panelists will discuss their experiences, provide advice, and answer audience questions. This event provides a great service to the first and second year students as their progress through SMC and prepare their professional careers. Following this event, at 4:30, Mr. Ryan wants to get to know the SMC STEM faculty and SMC's engineering students so as to better understand and support our program. It is imperative for our success to develop a good working relationship with him, so please attend. Refreshments will be provided.

October 16, 2015: Co-Exchange

11:59 pm

For anybody who is taking a class at Notre Dame next semester, please fill out this form ASAP! If you don't fill this out in tme, you won't be able to register for ND classes until the first day of class, and you'll give Dr. Barstis grief. Nobody wants that, so just do it! What are you waiting for?

October 12-16, 2015: T-shirt and Crewneck Sale

Lunch and Dinner in Student Center Atrium

Come buy an engineering crewneck ($30) and STEMinist shirt ($15) this week! Note that Friday, we will only be selling during lunch. See the Facebook page for more info and designs, and share the apparrel sale with all your STEM major friends!

October 9, 2015: Science Colloquium

3:30 pm, 105 Science Hall

Dr. Berke’s presentation will focus on Earth Science: career paths and general awesomeness. She will present information about the Environmental Earth Science major at the University of Notre Dame. The event is expected to last until 5:00. Refreshments will be available at 3:00. See the attached flyer for more info.

October 3, 2015: From Flapping Birds to Space Telescopes: The Art and Science of Origami

7:00 pm, Louis E. Addicot and Yatish Joshi Performance Hall. Northside Hall, IUSB

Mathematician and physicist Dr. Robert Lang is one of the foremost mathematical origami artists in the world. His work has been displayed in such international forums as the Museum of Modern Art and the Carrousel du Louvre. His innovations have been applied to engineering problems from air-bag design to expandable space telescopes. Refreshments start at 6:00 pm.

October 1, 2015: Due Date for SWE Dues

5:00 pm, Dr. Barstis' Door

As mentioned at the first meeting, the money SWE dues are a significant part of funding for this club. Please put $10 in the envelope on Dr. Barstis' office door by October 1st. Don't forget to check your name off the list (which is also on the door) so Ida won't hunt you down.

September 25, 2015: Pictures for SWE Board Due


The deadline for pictures has been extended to Friday, September 25. Please email them to Catalina Vajiac at the email above or your we will use your ID picture when we redesign the SWE board.

September 8, 2015: SWE Meeting

7:00 pm, 105 Science Hall

This SWE meeting will be the first meeting of the year! We are excited to meet incoming engineering students as well as any new upperclassmen! We'll be discussing many exciting events happening this year among other things! Bring your ideas for tshirts, sweatshirts, fund raisers, service projects, and any of your questions! Also, note that to be a member it is necessary to donate/pay a fee of $10, which is used to support the club throughout the year.

September 9, 2015: Engineering Industry Day

4-8 pm, Joyce Field House - Gate 3

This is a wonderful opportunity to meet employers, from over 60 companies, who want to hire engineers for internships and full time positions. This is a great oppertunity to network, so all members are encouraged to attend!