Saint Mary's College

Society of Women Engineers

Program Overview

Dr. Toni Barstis

Dr. Toni L. O. Barstis, Director of Dual Degree Engineering Program

Saint Mary's College has an articulation agreement with the University of Notre Dame for a 4-1 Dual Degree Engineering Program. There is no other program in the country like it. Students choose a major at Saint Mary's, preferably in the Mathematics or Chemistry and Physics Departments. Beginning their sophomore year, students begin taking the engineering curriculum at Notre Dame. During their senior year, students both apply as a transfer student to Notre Dame and graduate from Saint Mary's College with a Bachlor of Science from their respective department. They will then finish their engineering degree from the University of Notre Dame during a fifth year of study. Women in this program are determined, hard workers. It is not an easy program, but successful completion will open many doors.

Prospective student? Visit campus or contact SWE and a current student will reach out to you.

Visit Saint Mary's website for more information on the Dual Degree Engineering Program.