Admission: Formal admission into a degree program in the Department of Art occurs when you file a Declaration of Intent, signed by the chair of the Department of Art, with the Academic Affairs office. The Department also requires the completion of a satisfactory portfolio review of your work by the art faculty. The portfolio for admission may come from work prior to enrollment at Saint Mary's College, or from the first semester of studio art in the department, shown at Portfolio Reviews. Formal admission requirements must be completed prior to the beginning of your junior year (special circumstances may allow later entry). After admission into the art program, your progress and program status are reviewed each semester with the presentation of a portfolio of work completed in current studio courses. If you are interested in majoring in art, but are uncertain of your commitment to it, you are encouraged to enroll in several studio courses and participate in Portfolio Reviews, at which time your potential may be assessed and discussed with the Department of Art faculty. Admission into the College does not guarantee acceptance into the art programs or eligibility for an art degree. For information regarding the criteria for admission to SMC, contact the Admissions Office. Advising: Department of Art Faculty serve as advisors for majors and minors, helping students to make informed decisions about their course scheduling in light of their professional goals. Students meet with their advisors during the advanced registration period to enroll in their major/minor courses in the Department of Art and to plan their individual course sequencing. Check the art@smc homepage or the Office of the Registrar for advanced registration date announcements. Need an advisor? Contact the Department of Art to be assigned an advisor and get started!