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The Department of Art serves approximately 67 art majors and minors. Majors can earn a BFA (78 hour, professional studio degree) or a BA (42 hours) in a variety of areas of emphasis including art history, painting, fibers, sculpture, new media art, photo-media, ceramics and printmaking. Art majors can also elect to complete P-12 teaching certification through the Department of Education. Many BA majors take the opportunity to complete a second major in a wide variety of disciplines.

Student Exhibitions:

Student artwork is exhibited in the Moreau Art Galleries during fall and spring Portfolio Reviews and BFA/BA Senior Comprehensive Exhibitions.

The Student Summer Juried Exhibition is an annual juried exhibition of student artwork which opens each May and is on display throughout the summer in Moreau Art Galleries. Recent alumnae jurors have included Ellen Hackl Fagan (SMC ’82), Aletha Israels (SMC'03), Maureen Roberts (SMC'03), Mary Zicafoose (SMC ‘73 ), and Deborah Feece (SMC'77).

Smac(k)...the Art Club:

Art Club gone wild 3

Smac(k), the Department's art club, is open to all interested students and meets regularly throughout the school year. Recent meetings have provided information on art careers, internships, graduate art programs and documentation of artwork. Art Club sponsored events have included trips to Chicago art museums and area art openings, art week activities, and community service projects.

Photo Club:

The Photo Club, open to all interested students, meets regularly throughout the school year. Some past presentations include: a presentation by Jill Hobgood about cyanotypes, attending the Vietnam veteran photo exhibition at ND Snite Museum, screen print T-shirts or squirt gun shirts, movie nights, a Chicago bus trip, a hologram presentation by Prof. Doug Tyler, a campus-wide photo competition, various fund raisers, and community service projects.

The Photo Club mounts an exciting campus-wide juried Photo Exhibition in the Cushwa-Leighton Library every spring semester. This exhibitions features a wide variety of photographic work, and is open to all SMC students, faculty, staff, administrators, and other community members.